Indian Village Residents Hold Block Watch Meeting at YNDC

Friday, August 29, 2014

On Thursday, August 28th, residents of the Indian Village neighborhood on Youngstown's south side met with YNDC and city officials to discuss challenges on opportunities in the neighborhood.

Parking issues, dead trees, and a problem property were among the major concerns.

The Mayor stressed the critical partnership that has been established between the City and YNDC to clean up the Glenwood Avenue corridor, which makes up the eastern boundary of the neighborhood. Dozens of vacant homes have been torn down and the lots are soon to be cleaned up and landscaped. The Mayor stated that over the next year the remaining abandoned commercial structures will be a priority along Glenwood.

YNDC has also been working to rehabilitate several homes in the neighborhood over the past few months and just completed and sold a home at 3231 Neosho Road. A tour of the home was held at the conclusion of the meeting.