Youngstown Urban Farm Offers Produce, Plant Sales - WKBN

As the Farm to Table movement is growing nationwide, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said the popularity of farmers markets also continues to rise.

There are many ways to pick up locally-grown produce in the Valley, including at Iron Roots Urban Farm, a 1.7 acre farm on the south side of Youngstown which is having its first plant sale this year.

Iron Roots is a project of the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation.

The farm will have herb and flower starts, as well as a variety of fruit and vegetable starts — including heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, blue potatoes, beans, blueberries and strawberries for sale. All of plants are grown right at the Iron Roots Urban Farm.

“We are not certified organic, but we use all organic practices. We take pride in the fact that everything that we have available is organic and free of chemicals,” said Jodi Yencik, the Iron Roots Urban Farm manager.

The plant sale will be taking place every Saturday through the month of June. Flats will be sold for $20 apiece and individual plants will be sold for $2.

For current product lists and ordering information, contact Jodi Yencik at or in the office at 330-480-0423.

The Idora Neighborhood Farmers’ Market will also start June 7. Located on Glenwood Avenue, the market offers fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. The market will also feature other local vendors.

Ian Beniston, the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation’s executive director, said the farm and these events all help support the YNDC’s mission of working to transform neighborhoods into meaningful places where people invest time, money and energy into their homes and neighborhoods

“It’s come a long way in developing some small scale entrepreneurs but also creating another access point,” Beniston said. “We do have the farmers market that we do sell our produce at that as well as other venues, and now we have the plant sale. Hopefully, people can take advantage of that and start their own gardens.”

The Iron Roots Urban Farm also offers free planting and cooking classes to the public.

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