The Western Reserve Health Foundation Awards YNDC $30,000 for Safe Routes to School Programming

Friday, June 10, 2016

On Tuesday, June 7, the Western Reserve Health Foundation awarded YNDC a $30,000 grant to implement non-infrastructure programming identified in the Citywide Safe Routes to School Travel Plan that YNDC and the City of Youngstown completed in the winter of 2016.

The programming will include strategies such as hosting regular “walk to school” events at elementary schools, educating students, teachers, and parents on the health benefits of walking and biking to school, working with school staff and parents to understand and address barriers to safe walking and biking, and cultivating local school support for all safe routes projects to ensure their long term sustainability. These encouragement, education, enforcement, and evaluation activities will strengthen competitive funding applications from the City of Youngstown to the Ohio Department of Transportation for critical funding to repair infrastructure and enhance pedestrian and bicycle facilities particularly for students.