Youth Complete Vacant Land Reuse Projects Across Youngstown

Friday, September 9, 2016

In the spring of 2016, YNDC launched the Youth Greening Grant program, part of a 3-city study of vacant land reuse being conducted by the University of Michigan.

Fourteen projects were selected to participate in the program, and each received grants to beautify vacant lots and engage youth in cleanup and management of land in their neighborhoods. Summer projects have included a vineyard, community gardens, and other landscaping projects. Youth received stipends or gift cards for their participation in these projects.

Many of the projects went beyond just summer work. The Ohio Avenue Butterfly Project included youth research projects and creative presentations about the life cycle of butterflies, and involved the entire neighborhood in an end of season block party. Other projects included giving youth basic carpentry skills as well as landscaping skills. Many of the projects sought to mentor young people and get them involved in the larger community.

The project also includes intensive survey and research work to measure the effects of greening projects and vacant land maintenance. The Youth Greening Grant program will operate in Youngstown for the 2017 and 2018 growing seasons, and the study will influence future vacant land greening in other cities.