Community Toolshed Usage Continues to Increase

Monday, June 22, 2015

In June 2014, YNDC began operating the community toolshed formerly operated by the Neighborhood Improvement Corps.

YNDC has increased the inventory and usage of the toolshed over the past year. Currently there are more than 65 unique and active borrowers.

The toolshed inventory includes: garden tools and items, extension cords, brooms, a belt sander, a circular saw, a fertilizer/seeder, a drill, a finishing sander, hoes, hoses, ladders, corded electric lawn mowers, painter’s plastic, pitch forks, a post hole digger, a pressure washer, rakes, shovels, corded electric hedge trimmers, a tunner bar, corded electric weed wackers, and hammers. To use the toolshed you must call YNDC at 330.480.0423 and make an appointment. No walk in requests to borrow are accepted.