Many challenges and opportunities that face Youngstown’s neighborhoods must be examined at the city-wide level in order to develop an effective approach to addressing them.
YNDC has produced a number of plans that seek to examine city-wide obstacles to redevelopment in neighborhoods and that work to utilize limited resources to more effectively serve the needs of city residents.
Throughout the spring of 2014, YNDC and the City of Youngstown conducted 13 neighborhood planning meetings across the city. Residents who attended were asked to identify their top three challenges to be addressed in their community. Residents overwhelmingly identified housing and property issues as the number one challenge they would like to see addressed. These issues include litter, dumping, code violations, vacancies, and abandonment. The second most frequent response involved repairing and maintaining infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, and street lights. The third most common response was related to reducing crime in the city’s neighborhoods, and the fourth most frequent response involved encouraging economic development, in the form of more businesses, more employment, and improving the condition of the city’s corridors. The Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Report outlines citywide strategies to address these 4 priorities. Each priority section contains a list of action steps, as well as best practices from other cities and organizations, funding opportunities, recommended policy changes, and improved process descriptions.
The Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Report is available for download below.