Friday, January 17, 2014
On January 16th, Presley Gillespie, Executive Director, participated in Better Together: A Community Roundtable in Cleveland, Ohio.
The event was sponsored by the Ohio Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (GOFBCI) and convened nonprofit and congregational leaders from the region to discuss some of the best practices in collaborative efforts that are advancing and flourishing in our community.
The event showcased innovative new tools developed by the GOFBCI and included interactive discussions around critical local issues. Special Speakers included: Jay Hein, President, Sagamore Institute for Policy Research and Former Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, representatives from the Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative, and a panel of local nonprofit leaders judged “highly effective” by Ohio grantmakers. YNDC is also featured on the organization's website:…