Limited Repair Client Spotlight: Donald Robinson

Friday, December 21, 2018

Robinson grew up in his residence at 493 West Princeton Avenue and has lived
there his entire life.

His parents moved to Youngstown from Morgantown, West
Virginia and left Donald the house when they passed away. After a house fire in
2015, Donald started applying for assistance with addressing code violations on
the home. He heard about YNDC from friends and applied for the Limited Repair
program. Donald’s project was completed in August 2018. The exterior of the home was painted, electrical was
updated, and new windows were installed, among other repairs. He said both he
and his sister Rhoda V. Nelson are thrilled to see their old family home
brought back to life. “It’s had such a tremendous positive impact on my life,”
he said. “I get compliments on the house all the time now.” He said the process
was very easy and the workers were respectful of his work schedule. Donald
hopes to live in the home with his cat, Red Midnight Robinson, for many years
to come. We’d like to thank Donald for taking the time to talk to us and
sharing his story.