Junior League Seeks New Members - The Vindicator

The Junior League of Youngstown hosted its first meeting and training session for the 2014-2015 Provisional Members. Danielle Surko and Amy Banks, Provisional Committee co-chairwomen, led the group.

The provisional year provides opportunities to learn more about the community, train for volunteering and learn about the responsibilities of membership. The 2014-2015 Provisional Members are Bergan Giordani and Jennifer Gonda, both of Youngstown; JoAnn Sicafuse of Poland; Elizabeth Tencza of Boardman; and Sara Wenger of North Lima.

The next meeting is Tuesday at Iron Roots Farm, 820 Canfield Road. It is open to women of the Mahoning Valley. A social begins at 6 p.m. and the meeting, at 6:30. The speaker is Liberty Merrill from Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp. To attend, call the Junior League office at 330-743-3200

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