VP Joe Biden Appeals to Union Workers in Mahoning Valley - WYTV

Vice President Joe Biden made a campaign stop in the Mahoning Valley Thursday for Hillary Clinton.

His plane landed at the Youngstown Air Reserve Station just after 10:30 a.m.

Biden and Ted Strickland, who is running for the Senate this fall, walked onstage at the UAW 1714 union hall in Lordstown just after 11:30 a.m.

Biden mostly focused on economic issues related to auto workers and the auto industry bailout, saying that American workers can compete globally.

Biden claimed that Trump can’t relate to blue collar workers because he is the one who did the firing instead of experiencing the effects of layoffs first-hand.

“‘You’re fired,’ a phrase he made famous, you ought to come from a household where some people were fired.”

He tried to paint a big divide between Clinton and Trump, saying he believes Trump made his money off the backs of hardworking Americans.

The Vice President brought a message of prosperity for the union-heavy crowd, saying the middle class has made great strides over the past eight years.

He also said there would be no middle class in America without organized labor.

While he was in town to promote Clinton and her understanding of working families, Biden couldn’t ignore the fact that some Democrats have jumped ship.

“I know some of you are mad at Hillary. Let me tell you something, she gets it. She never yields, she does not break.”

He had one message related to international politics involving Donald Trump:

“No, no, no, I really mean it. Imagine giving this guy access to the nuclear codes.”

Biden’s messages and presentation hit well with the crowd.

“He’s just so down to earth, that it’s like talking to you when you talk to him, and he does so much for us,” JoAnn Johntony said.

After the rally, he graciously took photos with the 250 people who attended.

Following his appearance at the union hall, Biden and Strickland made an unannounced stop at the Canfield Fair.

Biden also visited the Idora neighborhood in Youngstown to see the progress the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation has made with removing blight and revitalizing the city.

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