Youngstown releases city's housing conditions analysis in efforts to improve properties - WFMJ

In an effort to improve housing quality for people living in Youngstown, several city groups are working together on a new housing conditions analysis that was just recently adopted by city council.

In a joint effort by the City of Youngstown’s Code Enforcement and Community Planning and Economic Development Departments, YSU’s Geography and Urban Regional Studies Program and the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation, a new Housing Conditions Analysis and Strategy report was released highlighting concerns about the city's housing properties.

"I don't think any of us want the city to continue and decline," said Ian Beniston, Executive Director of the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation. "We want it to grow. We want to stabilize the population."

To see the full story from WFMJ, click here.

The Housing Conditions and Strategy report is available for download below.