Thomases Family Endowment Awards $15,000 to REVITALIZE Youngstown

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

YNDC received an award for $15,000 from the Thomases Family Endowment to support efforts to implement the Crandall Park Neighborhood Action Plan and improve neighborhood quality of life on Youngstown's north side.

Funds will be used to board up and clean up vacant properties, rehabilitate vacant homes to create quality homeownership opportunities, and for neighborhood marketing and signage in the Crandall Park area in conjunction with the recommendations of the plan.

The Thomases Family Endowment of the Youngstown Area Jewish Federation supports initiatives that focus on social justice, social services, education, and cultural programs in line with the values of Irwin Thomases, who created the Endowment upon his death to continue his philanthropic work.