Three Murals Installed along Glenwood Avenue in 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Three murals have been completed this year along Glenwood Avenue--one on the Park Inn building, one on the LaFrance Cleaners building, and one near the Youngstown Playhouse.

The Park Inn mural, called “Face the Future,” was painted by Tommy Morgan, who is originally from Boardman, Ohio. The LaFrance Cleaners mural, called “Create a Better Tomorrow,” was painted by Jeremy Jarvis. The Youngstown Playhouse mural was completed by Christian Mrosko.

The Park Inn and LaFrance Cleaners murals were made possible through a grant to YNDC from the Ohio Capital Improvement Corporation. The artists were chosen by a mural selection committee, made up of local residents and artists. In the “Create a Better Tomorrow” mural, neighborhood residents are featured in the mural design itself. Residents were also given the opportunity to submit ideas for the theme of the mural through an online survey or at a public meeting, and youth were invited to sketch their own concepts for the mural at the YSU Summer Festival of the Arts. The Youngstown Playhouse mural project was funded through a Success Grant from the Raymond John Wean Foundation and managed by the Youngstown Playhouse. REVITALIZE.