YNDC Completes 6 Owner-Occupied Full Rehabilitation Projects

Bonnie Brae Before Bonnie Brae After Halls Heights Before Halls Heights After

Friday, May 2, 2014

YNDC has completed work on 6 owner-occupied full rehabilitation projects for homeowners across the City of Youngstown.

The projects include 1575 Shehy (2nd Ward), 260 W. Dennick (3rd Ward), 147 Halls Heights (4th Ward), 931 Bonnie Brae (5th Ward), 17 Elva (6th Ward), and 1708 E. Midlothian (7th Ward). Each home was fully renovated, with work including lead abatement, roof repair and replacement, new windows, paint, siding, porch repair, and a variety of other repairs addressing any outstanding code violations.