Rocky Ridge Group Sets Cookie Table Open House - The Vindicator

The Rocky Ridge Neighborhood Association will host a cookie-table open house at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at 138 S. Hazelwood Ave.

The two-story colonial home, constructed in 1941, has been fully renovated through a partnership with the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp. and the city of Youngstown. The home is available for sale to owner-occupants for $50,000.

The revitalization of the property is one of the many priorities in the Rocky Ridge Neighborhood Action Plan, and is the first of multiple houses to be fully renovated and sold to homeowners. The open house will feature many of the improvements to the home, and tours will be available.

The event will feature a Youngstown cookie table composed of homemade baked goods prepared by neighborhood residents. In addition, neighbors will be preparing their special Mill Creek Maple-flavored cotton candy for distribution.

The Rocky Ridge Neighbors will conduct its monthly meeting on site with guest speaker and resident Bob McGovern, owner of the Cartography Coffee Company, who will share his experiences in local entrepreneurship.

Cartography Coffee produces cold-brew concentrate coffee and will be served on-site to complement the cookies.

For information about the group, visit

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