ACTION Housing Task Force Meets to Hold Six Landlords Accountable

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

On Tuesday, June 11, more than 120 members of the ACTION Housing Task Force met at Martin Luther Lutheran Church.

The meeting included updates and discussion. The task force leadership provided an update on the implementation of landlord Mark R. King’s Community Agreement and House Bill 103 to address predatory land contracts. Landlord Mark R. King has complied with all items in the Community Agreement including the demolition of his twelve worst houses.

The task force leadership also provided detailed information on the six problem landlords currently being targeted for the execution of community agreements. The six landlords are: Vision Property Management, Dane Armstrong of Armstrong Properties, Jared Shade of Shadetree Holdings LLC, Damon Irby and Cornell Kennedy of Cardinal Renovations Group LLC, Michael Robidoux, and Carmen Neapolitan of San Francisco Group and other LLCs. Together these six landlords own 121 properties and have the following issues: 113 are not registered rental or vacant properties, the properties are over $141,000 delinquent in Mahoning County property tax, over 75 reported crimes, and thousands of dollars owed to the City of Youngstown in water bills and code enforcement fines.

The landlords will be asked to sign community agreements to address all of these issues or will face further community and legal action. On Saturday, July 13, at 8am the housing task force will visit the homes and businesses of these landlords to present community agreements for execution.

The ACTION Housing Task Force is a diverse group of Youngstown neighborhood and faith leaders working together to ensure all people in Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley have safe, fair, and quality housing.