YNDC Completes Greater Glenwood Neighborhood Survey and Listening Campaign

Monday, January 24, 2022

The priorities identified by residents are at the center of YNDC's work.

From August to November of 2021, YNDC’s Neighborhood Steward, Patricia Stokes, went door-to-door to over 780 households in the Idora, Indian Village, and Greater Glenwood Avenue area on Youngstown’s south side to ask residents what the highest priorities for improving their neighborhood should be. This door-to-door survey is the first of an ongoing listening campaign that will inform YNDC's neighborhood organizing, community planning, and neighborhood improvement activities in the greater Glenwood Avenue area and other neighborhoods across the city. The survey also asked questions about what types of businesses and activities that residents want to see along the Glenwood Avenue corridor in order to inform YNDC’s  corridor revitalization efforts.

A total of 311 households out of 785 visited completed surveys - a response rate of nearly 40%. Most residents felt that their neighborhood was either stable or getting better, and identified improving neighborhood safety, eliminating blighted property, and renovating and repairing housing as the highest priorities for neighborhood improvement. Residents most wanted a grocery store or fresh market on Glenwood Avenue, and wanted fewer bars, night clubs, gas stations and corner stores. A summary report of the survey findings can be downloaded below. 
YNDC has already begun similar surveys in two additional neighborhoods and will scale up its door-to-door listening campaign to reach many more residents in 2022.

The Greater Glenwood Neighborhood Survey and Listening Campaign PDF can be downloaded below.