
Strategic Neighborhood Transformation

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

YNDC is proud to announce the publishing of its 2nd quarterly performance report of 2015!

The performance report highlights the work of YNDC over the 2nd quarter. An electronic copy can be downloaded below.

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There are only a hand full of grocery stores in the City of Youngstown.

Most of them are miles away from many of the city’s neighborhoods.

The problem of buying food becomes even harder for the thousands of city residents who do not own a car.

“It is not that easy for a lot of people, especially in these neighborhoods that are really far from a grocery store,” said Liberty Merrill, Youngstown Development Corp. “About three-quarters of Youngstown’s residents live more than one mile away from a full-service grocery store.”

To see the full story from WKBN, click here.

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For years, the city of Youngstown continued to plan for growth even as the metropolitan area rapidly suburbanizied.

The decline of the once vaunted local steel industry in the 1970s pushed the rudderless city into uncharted waters. With a continuously shrinking population and a crippled economy, Youngstown entered the ranks of the country’s most distressed urban areas. As civic morale hit its lowest point, a new idea came to the fore. After years of attempting to plan for growth, the city would violate traditional notions of urban planning: Youngstown decided to accept and plan for shrinkage.

The genesis of what became the most talked about planning initiative in the country dates back to before 2002. “It could go back to when Council and John Swierz led an effort to reserve money for a new plan,” former Youngstown City Planner Anthony Kobak remembered. “Some members of Council went to Chattanooga, Tenn., which had recently completed a plan that got a lot of publicity. They then realized that Youngstown should update its comprehensive plan.”

Along with the guidance of Urban Strategies Inc. of Toronto, Canada, the city held a series of stakeholders meetings to help construct the first citywide plan since 1974. Jay Williams, then Community Development Agency director; William D’Avignon, deputy planning director; Anthony Kobak, project manager; and Hunter Morrison, director of Urban and Regional Studies at Youngstown State University, all played key roles early in the process.

According to Kobak, “The shrinking city concept wasn’t in anyone’s mind yet, and that’s a good thing. You go into a planning process not knowing what the vision will be. You have some ideas, but you don’t want to sway the process.”

In December 2002, nearly 1,400 citizens descended on Stambaugh Auditorium to attend a “public vision” meeting held by the city. By the next year, volunteer committees and sub-committees went to work on neighborhood property surveys and various aspects of what became known as the “Youngstown 2010 Plan.”

In July 2005, the city of Youngstown formally adopted the “Youngstown 2010 Plan” as the city’s guiding vision for the future. It quickly captured national and international attention. Within a very short period of time, a city known primarily for mismanagement and organized-crime connections became the destination for anyone interested in turning around America’s shrinking cities. The American Planning Association recognized the plan in 2006 with the ‘National Planning Excellence Award for Community Outreach,’ and “Youngstown 2010” made The New York Time’s ‘Sixth Annual Year in Ideas’ list. Media outlets from Europe to Japan descended on Youngstown to see what PBS called “The Incredible Shrinking City.”

In recent years the spotlight put on “Youngstown 2010” has faded. Where is the city 10 years later, and what is the legacy of the plan today?

The “Youngstown 2010” “Vision” accepted that Youngstown had become a smaller city. It called for a redefining of the city’s role in northeast Ohio’s economy. Improving the quality of life and the area’s local and national image occupied a central position in the vision; and “Youngstown 2010,” unlike other previous plans, called for widespread community involvement.

The nearly three-year-long envisioning process produced several planning “themes” which have seen a mixture of successes, failures and unrealized possibilities.

A key theme emphasized returning vibrancy to a distressed downtown. The last decade witnessed a miniature renaissance, as the building of the Chevrolet Center (now the Covelli Center) and the creation of the downtown entertainment district helped spawn a collection of bars, restaurants and clubs in the once desolate central business district. New residential development also occurred downtown. In 2015, the downtown received its first plan in years, something “Youngstown 2010” specifically called for.

A partnership between the city and Youngstown State University helped finally open a direct connection with the downtown via the construction of the Williamson College of Business Administration. The university’s Centennial Campus Master Plan states that it was “developed within the framework of ‘Youngstown 2010.’ ”

After much talk, the city obtained a new zoning code, thanks primarily to “Youngstown 2010.” “The plan called for making various changes to land use and said that we should adopt a new zoning ordinance,” Community Development Agency Director William D’Avignon remembered. “This is only the third time in the history of the city that there’s been a complete revamping of the city zoning ordinance.”

Calling for the creation of a “green network” throughout the city is one of the more unique parts of the plan. An early success involved obtaining a Clean Ohio grant to enable the purchase and reclaim 200 underdeveloped acres next to Lincoln Park on the East Side.

A hike-bike trail that takes advantage of the underutilized waterfront and connects to Mill Creek Park and the university is mentioned as a possibility in the plan. Linking the park to Market Street through rapidly depopulating streets like Falls Avenue on the South Side has also yet to happen, although some streets like Old Furnace, which connected to Glenwood, are now partially closed off and returning to nature. However, the call to “green” Youngstown helped inspired a variety of environmental activists.

Attorney Debra Weaver helped launch the “Grey to Green Festival,” an environmentally friendly festival dedicated to promoting the greening and revitalization of Youngstown. “Grey to Green” ran for five years straight and featured guests like Will Allen, one of the country’s most prominent urban farmers.

“The idea sprang directly from having read that plan,” Weaver said. “The whole idea behind it was to get everyone on board doing something with the land and community. And though I don’t think the greening of the city is moving as fast it should be, I am amazed at the numbers of gardens popping up in vacant lots and side yards throughout the neighborhoods.”

Creating competitive industrial districts has met with some success, but traditional heavy industry brought the city’s largest economic coup in years with the nearly $1 billion expansion of the Vallourec Star pipe mill on U.S. Route 422.

Locating a National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute in the city garnered numerous headlines for the area and a mention in President Obama’s State of the Union address two years straight. Many hope it might eventually jump-start the local economy in years to come.

Yet Youngstown’s overall economy remains weak; the city has not returned to pre-recession employment levels. Youngstown’s economic role in the region remains very much ill defined, and that failure serves as one of the most unrealized parts of “2010.”

Youngstown’s progress in creating “viable neighborhoods,” a central theme of the plan, is also mixed. As the downtown core continues to strengthen, the city’s neighborhoods continue to experience high levels of vacancy. This process revealed itself in 2011, when Youngstown registered an 18 percent population drop in the decennial census—the largest decline in city history.

In 2009, the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation (YNDC) formed to fill the need for a capable neighborhood community development organization. At that point, the Garden District and Idora neighborhood plans were both complete, but progress stalled after the city’s chief planner resigned and was not replaced.

“The city was to begin doing neighborhood plans after the ‘2010 Plan’ was completed and adopted,” said Ian Beniston, executive director of the YNDC. Beniston helped develop one of the first neighborhood plans for the Idora area.

“I doubt there would be any Idora neighborhood plan if there had never been a ‘2010 Plan,’ ” Beniston stated. “ But ‘a call to action,’ that part of the ‘2010’ vision, is what we are really about here—moving beyond the planning to actual concrete results.”

The YNDC began contracting with Youngstown in 2013 to provide neighborhood-planning services. They currently have action teams working on plans in Powerstown, Lincoln Knolls, Brownlee Woods, Crandall Park and the Garden District.

In 2014, YNDC released a “neighborhood conditions report” with updated information from the 2010 Census. However, they caution that the report “is an important tool for policy and planning decisions, but it is not a strategy within itself.”

To read the full story from Metro Monthly, click here.

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The Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp. received more than $1 million in grants and contracts from existing and new funding partners during the second quarter, the agency reports.

More than $702,000 of those funds were from contracts with the city of Youngstown for owner-occupied rehabilitation, painting, planning, grass cutting and strategic acquisition and rehabilitation, according to YNDC. The agency’s performance report covers April through June of this year.

YNDC also received $172,903 in Ohio AmeriCorps formula grants funds. Other funders included the Hine Fund, William Swanston charitable Fund, Home Savings Charitable Foundation, Western Reserve Health Foundation, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, PNC Foundation, Clif Bar Family Foundation, Talmer Bank, Huntington Bank and Schwebel Baking Co.

Grants were for housing counseling, healthful eating and cooking, the Iron Roots Urban Farm and the Healthy Homeownership Program.

“The ultimate success of this work is contingent upon you and our ability to come together to get the work done,” said Ian Beniston, executive director.

The report also highlight cleanup efforts in various city neighborhoods.

During the three-month period, seven acquisition and rehab projects were completed, eight were in progress and three were in the acquisition phase. In addition, two limited repair projects were completed and three owner-occupied rehabilitation projects were finished.

Other highlights for the organization include the addition of a housing program assistant and four property maintenance team members to lead the citywide grass-cutting operation; completion of the National Development Council’s housing development finance certification by three YNDC team members; and YNDC’s selection as one of three finalists for Greater Ohio’s Sustainable Development Non-Profit of the Year Award.

To read the full story from the Business Journal, click here.

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The William Swanston Charitable Fund announced on Wednesday $321,000 in 2015 grants for 10 initiatives focused on health and wellness of at-risk children.

The Swanston Children’s Fund, which is dedicated to improving the lives of at-risk children, also announced continuing support for ongoing health and fitness programs in Mahoning and Trumbull counties.

“We are impressed by the initiatives local leaders are crafting to create more opportunities for local children to lead healthier, safer and more fulfilling lives,” Paul M. Dutton, chairman of the Swanston Children’s Fund, said in a news release. “The Swanston Children’s Fund is very pleased to leverage resources behind creative and dedicated professionals who care about our Valley’s children.”

Highlights of this year’s grants include $37,000 to expand two programs rooted in adaptive sports and recreation activities for children with disabilities.

Adaptive Sports Program of Ohio plans to expand its wheelchair basketball, softball, hockey and track programs for children and teenagers into Trumbull County. The organization plans to use its $25,000 Swanston Children’s Fund grant to buy more equipment and boost outreach activities.

“Adaptive sports programs are excellent for building physical health and self-esteem, but they are very expensive and many families cannot afford the cost for equipment,” Dutton said. “We are fortunate to have this program in the Mahoning Valley and excited about expanding it to children in Trumbull County.”

ASP Ohio, based in Wooster, started adaptive sports programs in Mahoning County last year and recently opened a satellite office in Youngstown.

Meanwhile, the Children’s Rehabilitation Center in Howland is expanding its year-old “Investing in Fitness for the Physically Challenged” initiative. Programming for the center’s $12,000 grant includes more exercise opportunities at the center and off-site, and sharing each child’s specific care plan with school officials and doctors to encourage routine participation in healthy lifestyle activities. The expanded effort also includes work with physical therapy, exercise science and nutrition students from nearby universities.

The Swanston Children’s Fund also approved $32,000 for the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation’s “Better Block” program, which will stage day-long festivals in two neighborhoods this year and two in 2016 to showcase their potential for healthier and safer conditions.

Better Block, a success in Cleveland, Nashville, Indianapolis, Portland and other large U.S. cities, “temporarily transforms city streets into safer and more inviting pedestrian areas,” the YNDC said in its application for the grant. The program promotes walking, biking, community pride and collaborative solutions that reduce crime and boost safety.

The events will feature temporary changes to traffic flows, bicycle lanes, outdoor eating and socializing areas, bicycle drawings, helmet giveaways, health fair activities, kids’ games, cooking demonstrations and local food and entertainment. The activities will be organized by teams of neighborhood residents and experienced organizers.

To see the full story from WKBN, click here.

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Amanda Cresanto, 25, was tired of paying rent for an apartment she would never own.

Knowledge of the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp.’s housing program led her to search the corporation’s inventory of homes.

And it happened: She found the home of her dreams.

“I love natural lighting, and all of the windows in the front drew me to it,” she said of her Glenwood Avenue home.

Not only did she find her dream home, Cresanto was able to purchase the home free of closing costs.

A program at Huntington Bank waives its lender closing costs for customers purchasing or refinancing a home in a low- or moderate-income census tract.

The costs for the processing, underwriting, appraisal, survey and other fees typically range from $1,500 to $2,500.

“We are focusing on the neighborhood itself and not the individual,” said John Lacy, mortgage sales manager at Huntington Bank. “We are trying to create an incentive for any income level.”

In Cresanto’s case, she was able to buy her home in March free of closing costs and that was a “tremendous” help for the first-time homeowner, she said.

The program also helps the YNDC get more investment into the city, and encourages those outside of a the low-income level to buy in the city.

“It really helps us to diversify the area,” said Tiffany Sokol, housing director for the YNDC.

The YNDC works throughout the city — where there are 4,000 vacant homes — to acquire vacant or abandoned homes and rehabilitate them so they can go back on the market.

Since the housing program really kicked off in 2010, the YNDC has acquired and rehabilitated 49 properties. This year, the YNDC will fix between 20 and 30 homes.

An in-house construction crew allows for rehabilitation work to get done faster.

“We have done homes on all sides of town,” Sokol said.

Cresanto’s home was previously owned by someone out of the state. The owner chose to donate the property to the YNDC, and the corporation got to work after acquiring it last fall. The historical charm of the 1929 home was kept, but whatever needed fixed was fixed: Outside trim, new carpet, new laminate floor and a blue painted door are just some of the YNDC’s fixes.

“Anything that wasn’t functional we made functional, and anything that was ugly we made pretty,” Sokol said.

Cresanto loves the charm of a house with the archways, hardwood floor and crystal doorknobs. Her dog, Achilles, loves the large backyard.

“It kind of reminded me of the home where I grew up,” she said.

To read the full story at, click here.

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Growth is being cultivated in myriad ways at Hope for Newport Community Garden.

The garden is an activity in the Bondage Busters program at Martin Luther Lutheran Church, 420 Clearmount Drive, which is in the Newport neighborhood.

Carole Conatser, a church member since 1987, coordinates the garden outreach program.

“The idea started after I noticed a few other community gardens,” she said. Two houses were demolished on Clearmount, across the street from the church, and the plots provided a good space for the garden. Trees provide shade where children gather to read books on gardening and nature themes.

Conatser credited Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp. with help in preparing the space. After a general clean-up, six raised beds were constructed and a 40-by-50-foot plot tilled. Marty Reschner, a church member, and Conatser wrote the grant; he and Diana Tabor assist in the garden.

Through another grant from Neighborhood SUCCESS and Leadership Program of the Raymond John Wean Foundation in Warren, the aspiring garden project bought supplies and materials such as plants, seeds, gardening tools, gloves and books. The Difference Makers donated gift cards to buy other supplies.

To read the full story at, click here.

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation (YNDC) seeks 13 hard-working individuals interested in strengthening their skillset and experience in basic construction, landscaping, and property maintenance through the completion of projects to stabilize neighborhoods in Youngstown, Ohio.

These are one-year, full-time national service positions through the AmeriCorps State Program sponsored by ServeOhio. A modest living allowance and a basic health plan option are provided to all members. Eligibility for a Segal Education Award upon successful completion of service can help to pay your way through trade school, college, or student loan debt!

Members serving at YNDC will be predominantly engaged in the following five neighborhood stabilization activities: 1) clean up and conduct landscaping work on vacant lots and develop long-term reuse strategies with neighborhood residents and stakeholders, 2) board and secure vacant and blighted structures to make them safe and preserve them for possible rehabilitation, 3) make repairs for low-income households to help sustain affordable homeownership in the city, and 4) conduct repair and rehabilitation work on vacant homes to recreate high quality affordable housing opportunities in Youngstown, Ohio, and 5) provide ongoing landscaping services to vacant properties. This work will be completed in accordance with publicly-adopted neighborhood action plans.

Basic experience in construction or landscaping is preferred but not required, as training will be provided by YNDC for all work assignments. Free EPA Lead Repair and Renovation Certification training and other education advancement opportunities will also be provided. Work schedule flexibility will be provided to all members enrolled in college or Ohio ABLE courses during their year of service. Some weekend and evening service will be required.

To apply, please complete an application in person at YNDC: 820 Canfield Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44511. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

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Friday, July 10, 2015

YNDC is currently seeking qualified applicants for Property Maintenance Team positions.

Under the general supervision of the Neighborhood Stabilization Director, the Property Maintenance Team Members will collaborate with a team of professional and labor staff in the implementation of large scale grass cutting and clean up of vacant homes, boarding of vacant housing, vacant lot management, and other field and maintenance projects to improve the quality of life in strategic Youngstown neighborhoods. Valid driver’s license and own transportation a MUST. DO NOT APPLY if you do not have a valid driver’s license. Please download and read the full job description below.

To apply, please send cover letter and resume via email. Only send hard copy resume and cover letter if you cannot access a personal computer. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation

820 Canfield Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44511


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Having a servant’s heart is what matters most as a member of Mission of Hope.

That’s how Kathy McConnaughy describes the quality common to volunteers on the team, a ministry of St. Joseph Church of Strongsville in Cuyahoga County. The ministry’s goal is “to seek out areas to work where a need exists, either from a natural disaster or poverty, and to commit and respond to this need as a community of faithful believers in Jesus Christ.”

Mission of Hope members are spending this week staying at South Side Academy, the former St. Patrick School, on Oak Hill Avenue. They are working at St. Patrick Church, the school and in the neighborhood.

The Rev. Ed Noga, pastor of St. Patrick Church, 1420 Oak Hill Ave., explained that a parish member who sometimes works in Cleveland was the connection that brought the Mission of Hope to the Valley. “Needs in neighborhoods came up in conversation,” he said.

He said he was impressed when the team arrived with a truck with all sorts of equipment and supplies. “This is a self-contained unit,” he said. “These are people with experience who know what they’re doing. They come with a plan and execute it.”

Pat Kerrigan, St. Patrick council president, said Mission of Hope is working jointly with the church and Oak Hill Collaborative, where he is director. Mission of Hope’s “to do” list includes cleaning up an abandoned service station on Oak Hill, boarding up seven abandoned houses, patching and painting in the school and repairing plaster in the church chapel. The church needs four classrooms for meeting space in the school, and the team is cleaning and preparing them for use.

McConnaughy said Mission of Hope began in response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The team spent April 10 to 16, 2007, in New Orleans, working through Catholic Charities in the archdiocese there. “That was the catalyst,” McConnaughy said of the event that spurred the team into organizing into action. McConnaughy is team facilitator but she prefers to describe the effort as “colloborative leadership.”

She said the idea for such a group was inspired by her family. “It was the witness my parents gave me. Both came from big families who helped each other,” she said. “Everyone always pitched in. I thought, ‘if it works for my family, it will work for God’s family.’”

“Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are here to serve,” McConnaughy said. On this trip, the team numbers 18; participants fluctuate from 15 to 50. “We like to stay within a five-hour ride from our church so we don’t spend too much time and money on transportation,” she said. Most team members are retired; some are self-employed. Some use their vacations for these projects. The team takes such a trip once a year and does projects in its area the rest of the time.

For participants, McConnaughy said, the trip is not only about helping people and neighborhoods in need but is a retreat. “It has a spiritual component,” she said. “We attend daily Mass, read Scripture and engage in discipleship.”

Mike McCoy, a crew leader on Mission of Hope, said he’s been involved about eight years. “It’s about helping people,” he said. “I’m good with my hands in repairing things and carpentry.”

McCoy added, “God says to help the less fortunate, and we’re trying to do that.”

Mike Moore, a semi-retired executive with a chemical-engineering background, and Tom Bender, a retired certified public accountant, are working in St. Patrick chapel, where plaster on the 110-year-old ceiling is disintegrating. They’re skilled at repairing the problem.

“I’ve been blessed, and this is a way to give back,” Moore said. “We’ve been helped in our lives, and so we’re helping now.”

“The Lord called me, and I answered,” Bender said of his participation on the team. “We have skills, and we’re using them to help others.”

To read the full story at, click here.