
Monday, January 6, 2014

The YNDC is proud to announce the publishing of its 2013 annual report!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The YNDC is proud to announce the publishing of its fourth quarterly performance report of 2013!

"We have lived in the city on same street and same house for the past 47 years, enjoying being close to the university, museums, cultural activities and other amenities that an urban area offers.

We have also observed the changes. Most of the changes occurred with the transfer of housing to out-of-town buyers. Absentee owners may have had good initial intentions, but over time as the property remained vacant, vandals stripped the homes leaving an unsightly mess for the community.


On Tuesday, November 19, YNDC completed the installation of a section of sidewalk along Rutledge Drive and Maranatha Drive that connects the majority of the neighborhood to Lincoln Knolls Community Park.

On Wednesday, November 13, YNDC finalized its sale of 135 S. Osborn Avenue for $80,000. Congratulations to the new homeowner, and thank you for your investment in Youngstown’s neighborhoods!



A short street on Youngstown’s South Side is in the process of being redeveloped with new housing.

As part of its annual “Giving Tuesday And Beyond” campaign, the Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley once again is committing $50,000 to match donations to its agency funds.

