
The J. Ford Crandall Memorial Foundation awarded a $15,000 grant to YNDC for Clean and Green Equipment.

On March 24, YNDC's TreeCorps began its spring planting of 356 two inch caliper trees across the City of Youngstown.

The Western Reserve Health Foundation has awarded YNDC and the Healthy Community Partnership's (HCP) Active Transportation Team a $50,000 grant award to complete a pilot project called Where the Sidewalk Ends No More.

The Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley has awarded YNDC and the Healthy Community Partnership's (HCP) Active Transportation Team a $22,000 grant award to complete a pilot project called Where the Sidewalk Ends No More.

The William Swanston Charitable Fund has awarded YNDC and the Healthy Community Partnership's (HCP) Active Transportation Team a $25,000 grant award to complete a pilot project called Where the Sidewalk Ends No More.