
Monday, January 13, 2014

YNDC has begun construction of a Community Workshop facility at its neighborhood revitalization campus on Canfield Road to conduct planning, training, agricultural and neighborhood project activities year-round and on a more frequent basis.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The YNDC is proud to announce the publishing of its 2013 annual report!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The YNDC is proud to announce the publishing of its fourth quarterly performance report of 2013!

"We have lived in the city on same street and same house for the past 47 years, enjoying being close to the university, museums, cultural activities and other amenities that an urban area offers.

We have also observed the changes. Most of the changes occurred with the transfer of housing to out-of-town buyers. Absentee owners may have had good initial intentions, but over time as the property remained vacant, vandals stripped the homes leaving an unsightly mess for the community.


On March 24, YNDC's TreeCorps began its spring planting of 356 two inch caliper trees across the City of Youngstown.

The Western Reserve Health Foundation has awarded YNDC and the Healthy Community Partnership's (HCP) Active Transportation Team a $50,000 grant award to complete a pilot project called Where the Sidewalk Ends No More.



To help address the area’s housing needs, the Youngstown / Warren Regional Chamber has established a 24-member board to assist with the Mahoning Valley Regional Housing Strategy. “Not only is the cost of homes rising, but so too are taxes, including property taxes, both of which are creating huge challenges for homeownership,” said Brenda Linert, the chamber’s director of community impact.

The Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber has launched a local Housing Council aimed at finding ways to improve the region’s housing stock.

